Requisition of Moveable Property Act, 1988

Introduction: According to Investopedia, “requisitioned property” is property that is involuntarily seized by a governmental authority for any reason. Requisitioned property can be taken for a number of reasons relating to the furtherance of the public good. It can be of any type, including real estate, vehicles, machinery, office equipment, or even personal property. This … Read more

HC asks BTRC to remove photos of Magura rape victim from social media

The High Court today ordered Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to remove all pictures of the eight-year-old child, who was raped in Magura on March 6, from social media. The BTRC was asked to implement the HC order immediately. The HC bench of Justice Farah Mahbub and Justice Debasish Roy Chowdhury issued this order on … Read more

What if every generation writes its own constitution?

The average lifespan of a constitution, often called a “living document,” has not increased to the same extent over the last two centuries. Wars, internal conflicts, economic crises, and political unrest have shortened the lifespan of constitutions in many countries, leading to frequent renewals The Constitution of Bangladesh is astonishingly resilient. It has remained alive … Read more

How Sincere Are We in Protecting Waterbodies?

Dr. Tuhin Wadud For land grabbers, forest encroachers, and river usurpers, taking over waterbodies is relatively easier. There is no reason to believe that these miscreants won’t consume our waterbodies as well. As a result, day by day, the number and size of our waterbodies are decreasing. Due to the region’s topography and climate, millions … Read more